Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Franz Von Bayros - The Illustrator

Franz Von Bayros was an Austrian illustrator and commercial artist, born in Zagreb in 1866. He had a very colourful career which started at the age of 17 with his entry into Vienna Academy.

Von Bayros had a number of artistic interests in the Erotica field including phantasmagoric imagery, Lesbienism, Masturbation (with instruments) - some of these art subjects I may return to at a later date. This post however I would like to introduce his art intrest.........Beastiality.

Even today this subject is enough to make one plead ignorance to the existence of such a practise, probably because of the historical religious rules within many religions. However it can't go unnoticed with the field of art even if it is not as blatantly obvious in other forms of art of the day.

Beastiality has long been contained within Folklore, Myth and Legend as with the Greek Myth of "Leda and the Swan" and it was even accepted in some ancient cultures. It must be stated that Beastiality  is illegal in most countries and condoned in none (that are known to me) and Artists like Franz used the issue for shock or artistic interpretation.

Animals have been a very important part of storytelling since man could represent themselves on cave walls and on to Mythology where the Gods often appeared (and seduced earthly women) as various animals. Artists, like Von Bayros, often called upon these legendary fables as insperation and also as a hidden meaning.

Some Art is just, well, Beastiality in it's rawest form and Franz was not afraid to hold back.

Known as the first ever fetish Artist, Von Bayros was a fan of another renowned erotic Artist, Aubrey Beardsley (subject of a future post so please check back) and wanted to follow in Aubrey's Art Nouveau footsteps.

Franz was so controversial, he was extradited from Germany back to his adopted homeland of Vienna, Austria. Von Bayros finally parted this planet from a cerebral hemorrhage on April 3rd 1924.

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Sunday, 14 October 2012

Thomas Eakins - American Photographer, Painter, Sculptor and Teacher.

A great American Art all rounder and arguably one of the most influential artists in American history. And only failing health slowed him down in the end.

His own belief, whilst teaching, was not to inhibit his students and thus encourage the freedom of their own expressions. He used himself as a guide rather than a director when it came to his teachings.
Thomas's own career was a passion for anatomy and movement of the human  form, he conducted numerous studies to these endeavours.

Eakins had an admiration for the female nude, in particular, but was constantly searching for a male that would exude the same presence, beauty, innocence and anatomical perfection. He had such a passion for Anatomy, he considered becoming a surgeon.

Thomas Eakins was a man of great character, strong willed and a great student of life. Generous with his time and carried out his life the way he thought it should go. He was not afraid to study humanity frankly and also not afraid of the results the studies revealed  to him.

Thomas Copperthwaith Eakins passed away on June 25th 1916 in Pennsylvania, at the age of 71. He left his legacy, that at the time was seen vulgar at times, but it was honest and natural.

His main income toward the latter part of his life were portraits, the staple of most Artists of the era.

I try to keep my posts short and to the point with illustrations/work of the featured Artist, If you feel the information is a little too short and would like more information on the said Artist, please leave me a comment so that I may ensure your infortmational pleasure.

Thank you for reading this post.