Sunday, 8 July 2012

Calling all Félicien Rops Fans, HELP!

Hi All,
I was lucky enough to acquire a number of items of the legend that is Félicien Rops recently. Whilst perusing carefully through the box of prints, books and miscellaneous items, I stumbled upon a very interesting find!! The surprise was a very unique (Or at least I think it is?) Carte De Viste aka CDV, hidden within a book between some prints.
Hence, the call for all those more knowledgeable than myself with regard to Mr. Rops, Please have a look and study the picture below and see if you come to the same conclusion as myself that the individual depicted in the photo is none other than Rops himself. Of course, there is no identification on the CDV as to the identification of this confident male.
I appreciate, as always, all your comments and guidance. So I leave it in your capable hands!
Thanks again for checking out my page.


  1. visiting back. love the combination of literature, art and intellect.

    1. Thanks Jill, That's exactly what I was aiming for! I'm looking forward to visiting your tantalizing site again.
