Tuesday, 30 April 2013

A short post on the very funny Tijuana Bible, Brilliant!

Hi All,
Just a quick post about the hilarious eight pagers called "Tijuana Bible's", often featuring movie starlette's and comic book characters in risqué situations and involving themselves in bawdy behaviour with members of the opposite sex.

These "two-by-fours" reached the peak of their popularity during the American Great Depression of the 1930's and continued till the 1960's and were very popular during the second world war. I assume to provide a type of funny and erotic form of entertainment. (I hope you can read the samples below)

 The wallet sized (2.5 x 4inches) "grey backs" eight panel comic strips were printed in black & white on cheap white paper. And used Characters to portray the dirty jokes at the time in picture-book form.

I apologise for my incapacity to explain in words how funny I found these little books, I laughed my socks off whilst reading them and admiring the......eh.........Artwork. I would suggest surfing the net and having a look at some of these hilarious cartoons.

 Enjoy your investigation and let me know what you find, and thank you to the underground comic book makers who produced slices of naughtiness for our dirty little minds.

Bye for now........and.......please leave a comment ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I thought Napoleon was fairly funny...the cartoons are still the best when one is feeling low...and in need of a good laugh...a big turn on for me though as everything stands to attention...enjoy your evening...:D xxxx Lushka
